"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
Ephesians 4:2

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Worship and Praise Sunday - All I Need is You

If you'd like to join...see here to read the first post and why I started. Also, read the guidelines below to know how to participate!
  • Share a favorite worship song by either a video (i.e. youtube, etc) or by sharing the lyrics of the song.
  • Share a bit about what the song means to you.
  • Whether it be you or someone else, please give credit to the artist who wrote it.
  • Publish your Worship and Praise Sunday post on your blog.
  • Please offer a link back to the main page of my blog, so other readers where know where to join in.
  • Grab the button in my sidebar, it will also link back to my blog!
  • Copy the "permalink" from your Worship and Praise Sunday post and add it to Mr. Linky.
Today I'm sharing "All I Need is You" by Hillsong United
**Please pause the music in my sidebar before listening to the video**

If you've been participating in Worship and Praise Sundays for awhile, by now you probably know I'm a fan of Hillsong. Their music is truly worshipful.

I like this song because it reminds us that in a world full of so much stuff, all we need is God!

I hope you are all comforted by His love today!

On a side note, I wanted to thank all of you who have been praying for my husband and I this week. He is doing so much better! It's amazing how much the flu can knock a person out. I was fortunate to not ever become sick this week and I'm assuming I won't get it from him because I probably would have shown symptoms by now. So, praise God for your prayers and His healing!

4 sweet comments:

Jen said...

I too LOVE Hillsong!! When you listen to any of their songs you can just close your eyes and worship!!

So glad you haven't gotten sick and that your hubby is doing better!!

Kathi said...

Beautiful song Brittany, and so true, He is all we need. I'm so glad to hear that Mackenzie is better. God is good, and I hope and pray you stay healthy too. Hugs, Aunt Kathi

Debra said...

Brittany, I love HIllsong too, but I haven't heard this song before. They have so many! Anyway, I love the message...."All I Need Is You!" We need that reminder because it's so easy to get caught up in so many other idols, that we think we need....when all we really need is HIM!

Glad to hear your husband is feeling better and that you didn't get it. Praise the Lord for answered prayers! :)

Heather said...

That's great that he is doing better AND that you didn't get sick! I'll be praying you continue to stay healthy. I'm going to listen to your song in a few :)

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